Happy entrepreneurs have happy lives

Career Counseling Connecticut primarily provides career guidance for our clients to find happier jobs within a different career path. But I know with certainty that our biggest successes have occurred when we helped clients become happy entrepreneurs.

I have not had a steady paycheck since October 2000.  I am not from Connecticut.  I was not in the education or career counseling business before creating companies in both fields.  I also did not have any savings when I started.  Indeed, I had law school loans and my wife had graduate school loans.  We had one child at the time, one on the way and the other to come a couple years later while still in the start-up phase of my first company.  While I suppose I am a calculated risk-taker, I am not a gambler.  I do not have a high tolerance for risking failure.  And, yes, I did feel anxious almost every day when I woke up for the first couple years of flying on my own without an organization.  I also had many “ups” but I was not some wild-eyed, Silicon Valley type, amped up on the

While I suppose I am a calculated risk-taker, I am not a gambler.  I do not have a high tolerance for risking failure.  And, yes, I did feel anxious almost every day when I woke up for the first couple years of flying on my own without an organization.  I also had many “ups” but I was not some wild-eyed, Silicon Valley type, amped up on the start up culture.  I was primarily a husband and father trying to make his bills.  In other words, I was probably a lot more like many of you reading this blog than you might think.

But 17 years later, I am so thankful that I made the leap.  While my sense of mission at Career Counseling Connecticut has propelled me to help others find happy work, I have a special affinity for those seeking to work outside the large corporate grid.  Moreover, I learned how to do so.  I can teach you.  You can be happy and successful without a steady paycheck.