Change Your Career For Your Health

A few years ago, Tom, a fortysomething mid-level executive at an insurance company in Fairfield, CT, told me one of the more interesting career change stories that I’ve ever heard.  Part of Tom’s work includes overseeing the operations of his firm’s life insurance products. He was early for a meeting one day. Just to pass […]

The First Step of Career Change: Take Control

Do something.  Anything.  One thing.  Just do something affirmative.Most people who are in career misery do nothing. They either complain but do nothing.  Or, they bury their heads in the sand and do nothing. When career counseling clients leave my office, they almost always say “I should have done this a long time ago.” I’d like […]

Change Your Career Before Your Career Changes Your Life

Jessica walked in for our career counseling session. She was a bundle of nerves. She apologized for being late (she was about a minute late); for being a mess (it was rainy); and for not printing out her resume (she had already e-mailed me her resume so there was no need).  Jessica described her job. […]