Do you feel happy to go back to work?

Cindy immediately exclaimed her dread about going back to work when she sat down in Career Counseling Connecticut’s office. “I knew I had to shift careers when I was ending my last vacation. During the two days of a week-long vacation, I grew increasingly anxious about having to do my work projects when I returned. […]

The Future of Work: Parents Take Notice

I’m reading Workless by Tim Dunlop a researcher who studies work trends. He aims to be optimistic. But the premise of the book is terrifying. In the next 10-30 years, many jobs will be eliminated due to some combination of artificial intelligence, apps that automate processes, and smart robots. The optimistic take by Dunlop: there […]

2020: Parents Help Your Children With Their Career

Parents who call Career Counseling Connecticut increasingly tell me that they face a question where they do not have a clear answer: Should we help our adult children with their career challenges? The answer is simple: “yes”. My generation – 50 and over – was profoundly affected by scores of movies, TV shows, and general […]

2020: Career Goals For Twenty and Thirtysomethings

As a fiftysomething, I have some perspective on how to help twenty and thirtysomethings develop their careers. The biggest piece of advice: DO NOT PUT YOUR CAREER ON AUTOPILOT. Those who have career traction in a field tend to settle in and, of course, in some cases that makes sense. Such types have chosen their […]