Sunday Blues? Time for Career Shift

If you are reading Career Counseling Connecticut’s blog on a Sunday, then you know what I mean…. Sometime around mid-day, you will start to feel a creeping anxiety or an enhanced state of melancholy. You should be enjoying your weekend. But subconscious thoughts about work are sliding into your conscious mind. I know. I was […]

Post-Pandemic Career Search

Are you ready? We are now in recovery mode. And, you might have been waiting to start/restart your career search. Just having a job seemed enough this past year. Or you may have given up searching for work because you heard: “we are waiting to see what happens….” too often. Or from having heard nothing […]

You are hero of your career story. We are the guides

If you are on Career Counseling Connecticut’s website, you are in the process of “seeking.” That means that, unlike most, you are not settling for whatever job or career path you are currently in. That means you are on the hero’s journey. What’s the hero’s journey? A quest to better oneself and the world. Review […]