Post-pandemic July Job Search

“It’s time to go!” That’s the most common phrase Career Counseling Connecticut has heard from those who have suffered through their jobs during the pandemic. Many were not happy with their jobs pre-pandemic. They clung to their jobs for security during the pandemic. Now…. “it’s time to go.” During the year, many have had time […]

Where are the “good jobs”?

Post-pandemic quitting jobs and careers has become all the rage. YOLO! Job openings! Companies cannot find enough workers! So the headlines read. All true. Why then is it so difficult for Connecticut job seekers to find good jobs? Most people do not quit “good” jobs. So while there are exceptions, the majority of those quitting […]

Post pandemic conclusion: When should I find my ideal career? NOW!

This wave of thought seems to be gaining momentum. I suppose that’s one of the unforeseen benefits of the pandemic. As people face mortality, they think about the meaning of life/meaning in life. Many of Career Counseling Connecticut’s clients have little idea what they want to do with their next job/career but they do know […]

Mental health and the post-pandemic career/job search

Career Counseling Connecticut has served our career seeking clients in the very practical endeavor of finding careers/jobs that make our clients happy and successful. Given my deep immersion in psychology/philosophy, it’s not surprising that some part of my practice has also been led to clients noting unexpected benefits: “I’ve been in my head so long. […]

Career Help In the Post-pandemic Summer

Enjoy yourself. You’ve earned it. We all have. Perhaps from now until July 4th, immerse yourself in post-pandemic fun. But when July 5th comes around and you are in a job you don’t like, then recognize that you have an opportunity this summer to change your job/career. Why this summer? There is something about the […]

Want to quit your job?

A record number of Americans are quitting their jobs. This is a good thing. Sort of. Let’s assume that those who are quitting have come to the recognition that working in a job/career that is leading to unhappiness is no way to live, at least for those who are fortunate enough to have choices. Let’s […]

Post college – career start

We are in a paradoxical job market. There are a lot of job openings. But there are not a lot of good jobs and the competition for those good jobs is intense. This seems confusing to many parents. Having read about the large number of job openings, they are perplexed why their college graduate son […]

Career Health = Mental Health

Those who have taken any first year psychology class are well aware of Maslov’s Hierarchy of Needs. The bottom levels relate to survival/physical/basic material needs. Maslov was wise enough to note that we are all not wired to be Buddhist ascetics or extreme minimalists. We need food/shelter and some degree of whatever material goods are […]