The time for career change: Now

Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian author, wrote a brilliant short story: The Three Questions centering upon: What was the right time for every action? Who were the most necessary people? What was the most important thing to do? In relation to your career, when is the right time for career changing action?  For Tolstoy and most any […]

Follow your passion…. but also follow the marketplace

“I am passionate about…” I hear this a great deal from my career counseling clients as they walk into Career Counseling Connecticut’s offices.   I am passionate about my work. I made the radical switch from big city attorney in Washington, DC to education-entrepreneur in small town Connecticut.  My idealistic nature is in sync with […]

September is coming…time for career control

While January 1 is the official start of a new year, most of us have the K-12 ingrained programming that September is really the start of the year. The problem with such programming is that massive change just happened to us each year from kindergarten through high school and through college. Quite literally, our “work” […]

Boys To Men: The Career Edition

I wrote Motivate Your Son in 2012. I described the challenges that I observed as a practicing educational consultant in Shoreline CT. I predicted three general career paths for the majority of young men. I led with optimism. Those that had what I termed “work character” – which has much overlap with what is commonly […]

Empty Nest Careers

While true that there are more twentysomething career seekers that Career Counseling Connecticut helps, there are a surprisingly high number of fifty somethings that need career help. Beyond the obvious – those who have been downsized and need to get a job – the most common type are those who are seeking work/career happiness. While […]

Excited to go back to the office? If not, we can help!

Career Counseling Connecticut has an explicit mission: help our clients find careers that are both “happy” and “successful”. We define happy in simple ways: “you enjoy your work” to more complicated ways “you find meaning and purpose in your work” to even more complicated ways “you find Eudaimonia” in your work (see Aristotle!) If you […]

The Great Career Shift

So many paradigms of change have occurred due to Covid. Perhaps the most unexpected relates to work: many Americans have decided to resign/quit/only go back if remote. This surprised much of corporate America. This did not surprise me. I’ve been running Career Counseling Connecticut for over a decade. Granted that those who seek career advice […]