Career coaching entrepreneurs CT
We train entrepreneurs

My son was suffering over typical inane rules that govern our education system. “You have to follow the rules of people who have authority over you.” I explained.
I was definitely not an unquestioning rule follower when I was his age.  I would ask “why” if I thought a rule was unfair. I carried this trait into my career as an attorney. While I was respectful, I would suggest other ways that a project could be carried out besides “standard procedure.”

I fully realize that most clients who come to Career Counseling Connecticut cannot simply quit their jobs and start a business.  But if you have a business in you, then you should start planning.  And, that’s where we can help.  Some of our biggest successes have been helping new Connecticut businesses get off the ground.

When I was creating my own career path, I realized that autonomy was very important to me. Having to follow someone’s arbitrary rules chafed at me more than it seemed others.
If you have a similar blessing/curse, then you should seriously consider starting a business. You, then, can create your own arbitrary rules!