With a large number of my forty and fiftysomething career counseling clients, financial issues play a part – often a big part – in our career change discussions.  Connecticut’s taxes, the high cost of living in Connecticut, the worry that Connecticut might have financial troubles in the future seem to dampen the other generally amazing things about living in Connecticut.  Seriously, I have lived in 3 different states and the District of Columbia and Connecticut definitely has the highest quality of life.
In any event, the “number” or some other economic measure is quite often part of our discussions.  If I just had $500,000 or $1,000,000, then I could do what I want.
Here’s a better way to look at your career:  figure out how to make work that you enjoy financially sustainable.  Then, you won’t think about retirement because your work will be fulfilling in and of itself.
Strangely enough, you won’t want to retire because you’ll realize – as most do – that purposelessness is not the root to happiness.  You might not fully believe the following but I am certain of its truth:
if given the choice between having all your financial needs met but with the contingency that you cannot do any work or you have to work doing something you enjoy 40 hours per week to similarly meet your financial needs, the latter will almost definitely lead to greater happiness.
We are psychologically (and likely biologically) wired to work.  Find work that you love and you won’t need a number.  Contact us to discover how.