I am a Fortysomething

Career Change for Fortysomethings Those in their forties who want to change careers often feel the most trapped.  Those in their twenties are still searching and have different challenges but usually do not feel locked into a career path. Those in their thirties definitely feel the beginnings of career handcuffs but most feel that they […]

Career Shift: Meaning and Purpose

When I am asked which book had the greatest career impact for me, I give what others think is a surprising answer: Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl.  Frankl’s true account of his days in a Nazi concentration account presents one of the most compelling demonstrations of the philosophical truth that our lives really are […]

Why do careers matter so much to happiness?

“I literally feel like jumping out a window.” Ted, a 45 year old hedge fund manager from Westport, CT, said as he grabbed my arm for emphasis. “I feel like a square peg in a round hole every day.” Sarah, a thirtysomething middle manager from New Haven, CT, said as she relayed her days pretending […]

Creating a happy lifestyle through your career

John, one of my friends from law school, lives in Fairfield, CT and commutes to New York City.  We were at a reunion recently and one of our classmates asked about his work day.  “Now, it’s great. I get in around 9 and leave around 6.”  I didn’t think less of John for answering this way.  […]

Matching Who You Are With Career Success

I am watching a movie from a decade ago – Changing Lanes – that resonated with me because it highlighted my experience with big law firms.  Sam Jackson plays a down on his luck guy who gets entangled with Ben Affleck’s character, a morally questionable attorney who starts wondering whether he can stomach the ethics of […]

Career Happiness Will Make You A Better Parent and Spouse

“I want to be able to provide for my kids.” Sean said.  “That’s the only reason why I stay in my career.” Sean went on to explain that both his wife and his oldest child had urged him to meet with a career counselor because they saw his misery.   If your spouse and kids […]

You can escape your job

“I feel trapped.” Jim told me. Jim had a conventionally good job, in terms of both pay and prestige, at a financial consulting firm based in Fairfield, Connecticut.  Indeed, one of his friends wondered why he would seek career counseling.  “You make more money than me”, the friend said. Jim was 38 when he met […]

Career Counseling For Twentysomethings: Getting on your path asap

Denise graduated with a business degree and focus in marketing from one of Connecticut’s state schools.  She came to Career Counseling Connecticut for resume and cover letter help.  She wanted “a job”. This is understandable. But many of those unhappily trapped in a career path took “a job” that led to experience in that field […]

3 Reasons Why The Side Business Is A New Key To Career Security

by Daryl Capuano Many of our clients are not in a position to quit their work and start a business.  But, some are in the position to create a side business.  Ideally, the business should be within their field of career expertise.  For example, the corporate accountant who does personal tax work or web designer of […]

The Challenges and Hope of Freelancing as a Career Path

by Daryl Capuano Freelancing is the growing wave of the future. In a knowledge economy, there will be an increasing need for “just-in-time workers”, those who are needed for projects but for which employers are leery about taking on full-time employees. If you have a marketable skill set and can develop sufficient methods to develop […]