As a fiftysomething, I have some perspective on how to help twenty and thirtysomethings develop their careers. The biggest piece of advice:


Those who have career traction in a field tend to settle in and, of course, in some cases that makes sense. Such types have chosen their career paths correctly and now they are digging in for the long haul.

But the statistics on career unhappiness are staggering. Through my work at Career Counseling Connecticut, I have numerous views as why this is the case but the main one is that most twenty and thirtysomethings continue in careers that provided limited or mediocre job satisfaction.

Why? Thinking of a new career is headache inducing. That’s where Career Counseling Connecticut can help. Guidance is usually required to get out of one’s head.

A recent article discussed some other career goals for this age group.

Don’t waste this decade in an unfulfilling career path.