Recent college graduates: September is coming… fast
“I thought I would start looking after the summer.” I remember hearing this phrase about a decade and a half ago when one of Career Counseling Connecticut’s first clients came to our offices in Madison, Connecticut. I was surprised because my first clients were mostly former students from The Learning Consultants For the most part, […]
Recent college grad… jobless?
The number of college graduates leaving college without a career building job has risen steadily in the last decade. There are a variety of factors. Some are completely out of a college student’s control such as fewer training programs at major corporations. One factor is under the student’s control: creating a career vision. Outside of […]
Yes, a well matched career/job prevents/cures many who are depressed/anxious
Bold claim. Ok… but think of how many depressed/anxious people you know who view their career as perfectly suited to them. Is the answer close to 0? The factors related to depression/anxiety are multifaceted. Biological factors are an issue for some, regardless of their relation, physical and work lives. Deep subconscious factors are issues for […]
No Choice is a Career Choice: Navigating the Trap of a Misfit Career
Paul, a thirtysomething account executive for a midsize company in Fairfield, Connecticut came to our offices in Career Counseling Connecticut with the feel of someone carrying a burden for a long time. Paul noted that he felt “stuck”. “I don’t know what I can do. I say this every few months. But I don’t do […]
Your college graduate needs career direction, job search strategy, training on job search tactics and accountability… not [just] a new resume
Yes, your recent college graduate needs help but perhaps not in the way you think… In running Career Counseling Connecticut for the last 15 years, I have fielded calls from anxious parents of recent college graduates with increasing frequency. “Kyle hasn’t been able to get a job… could you help create a new resume?” Sure. […]
College to career planning….
There has never been more confusion related to college and career planning than at the current moment. I have been counseling on both issues for over 20 years. The straight-line option has generally worked. Indeed, it has worked way more than media would suggest. From 1980ish to 2015ish, most young adults – who, of course, […]
Financial planning for Parents Over 45: Ensure Your Children Become Financially Independent
Much like many, I would spend every last dollar on my children. This wonderful tendency has a cost. A big one. The retirement crisis – I prefer “financial freedom” – is real and getting bigger. Career Counseling Connecticut has increasingly worked with boomerang children. To be clear, when I speak of children being financially independent […]
Summer 2024: College to Job hunting
Parents of college graduates, your children will soon hear: WHAT ARE YOU DOING AFTER GRADUATION? DO YOU HAVE A JOB YET? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO FOR YOUR CAREER? This is disheartening each and every time such questions are asked for the post-college, jobless graduate. For this reason, most clients tell me they start […]
Do you think life is short? If yes, find a happier career! Do you think life is long? If yes, find a happier career!
“I’m here because life is short.” Nick said. Nick was twenty-seven year old who had spent five years in a dreary corporate job. He had read Career Path of Abundance, my book related to how idealists need to find happier work and called as soon as he read my paragraphs on how “nothing will change automatically.” […]
Graduated From College?! Congratulations! “What are you doing?” Ugh…
“If one person asks what am I doing now….” This is the lament of many young adults. The college grad without a job, once a cautionary tale, has become more commonplace. This is not a good thing. Anxiety and depression are skyrocketing among young adults. It seems very clear through my work at Career Counseling […]