Recent college graduates: September is coming… fast

“I thought I would start looking after the summer.” I remember hearing this phrase about a decade and a half ago when one of Career Counseling Connecticut’s first clients came to our offices in Madison, Connecticut. I was surprised because my first clients were mostly former students from The Learning Consultants For the most part, […]

Recent college grad… jobless?

The number of college graduates leaving college without a career building job has risen steadily in the last decade.  There are a variety of factors.  Some are completely out of a college student’s control such as fewer training programs at major corporations. One factor is under the student’s control: creating a career vision. Outside of […]

Yes, a well matched career/job prevents/cures many who are depressed/anxious

Bold claim. Ok… but think of how many depressed/anxious people you know who view their career as perfectly suited to them. Is the answer close to 0? The factors related to depression/anxiety are multifaceted. Biological factors are an issue for some, regardless of their relation, physical and work lives. Deep subconscious factors are issues for […]

No Choice is a Career Choice: Navigating the Trap of a Misfit Career

Paul, a thirtysomething account executive for a midsize company in Fairfield, Connecticut came to our offices in Career Counseling Connecticut with the feel of someone carrying a burden for a long time. Paul noted that he felt “stuck”. “I don’t know what I can do. I say this every few months.  But I don’t do […]

College to career planning….

There has never been more confusion related to college and career planning than at the current moment. I have been counseling on both issues for over 20 years. The straight-line option has generally worked.  Indeed, it has worked way more than media would suggest.  From 1980ish to 2015ish, most young adults – who, of course, […]

Summer 2024: College to Job hunting

Parents of college graduates, your children will soon hear: WHAT ARE YOU DOING AFTER GRADUATION? DO YOU HAVE A JOB YET? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO FOR YOUR CAREER? This is disheartening each and every time such questions are asked for the post-college, jobless graduate. For this reason, most clients tell me they start […]

Graduated From College?! Congratulations! “What are you doing?” Ugh…

“If one person asks what am I doing now….” This is the lament of many young adults. The college grad without a job, once a cautionary tale, has become more commonplace. This is not a good thing. Anxiety and depression are skyrocketing among young adults.  It seems very clear through my work at Career Counseling […]