How Does It Work?
Take control of your career happiness and career success
“After one meeting, I had a new career vision.” Annette L., Fairfield, Connecticut.
Create YOUR vision of happiness and success
Experts in any type of field draw from a large amount of patterns based on their experience in order to do their work.
Top expert-advisors combine their deep experience with high-level talent to provide guidance. So, for example, consider how a top interior decorator does her work. She listens to her client describe the look desired, scans the room, and then, from an infinite number of possibilities, envisions what would suit the client.
How exactly does she do that? It is indescribable. The same is true with counseling of any sort.
Big picture advisors – like career counselors (at least top ones) – have the same process.
The strange part is explaining how the big picture, intuitive part of our work is done.
We take time to explain Career Counseling Connecticut’s process because career counseling is distinctly different than other advisory work such as law.
Attorneys are hired for distinct reasons (production of a contract; filing of a law suit; defense of a regulatory offense). The desired outcome (a sound contract; money from the suit; non-culpability) is known. Desired career outcomes are more nebulous.
We understand two areas deeply:
(1) how to fit career seekers with work that would make them happy and successful
(2) the world of work as it is in the present.
These are both areas of deep expertise. These specific areas of expertise are surprisingly rare individually and extraordinarily rare in combination.
Think about each for a moment: how many people do you know that understand you well enough to suggest suitability for career paths?
Teachers/professors/friends/parents? Who? Almost no one is trained in this area. Most everyone understands their own situation deeply in relation to careers but has given minimal time – perhaps only to their children – to think of what would be suitable for others.
Similarly, the world of work as it is today – what we call the new world of work – is so different than even 20 years ago, that there are not many parents/older relatives – which were the former purveyors of career guidance – who understand how you can fit into the world of work.
We are expert in both areas. This expertise in a very literal sense has changed the lives of many of our clients.
“Thank you. My job search strategy was obviously failing. I just followed your plan and had my new job within a month.” Kyle J. Simsbury, Connecticut
Dynamic Strategies
Some people know generally what they want to do but do not have the practical know-how to get there.
Our career counseling work helps our clients efficiently move forward. For example, we have many clients who have not moved forward with switching jobs, starting businesses, applying to graduate schools, and a whole host of other career building avenues simply because they did not know what to do to move forward or needed help moving through practical and psychological blocks.
The edits on my resume were great but, more importantly, your advice on interviewing ended up led to my getting my dream job. Dana M., Guilford, Connecticut
Effective Tactics
This part of our work is the easiest to understand. Some of our clients want interview help.
We provide mock interviews and provide guidance on how to improve our client’s interview skills.
Resume creation and editing are also self-explanatory. There are other additional tactics, such as social media and new world of work areas, where we coach our clients to success.
Why Us?
“Daryl Capuano is the wisest person I have ever met. My career – and life – changed after working with Daryl.” Terry R. Fairifield, Connecticut
Your career is too important for false modesty.
We are confident that we are the best at career counseling in Connecticut?
Please ask your own trusted sources.
Why are we confident that we are the best at this work. Most every career counselor is a psychologist who is masquerading as a career counselor.
Generally speaking, psychologists are neither trained nor skilled in giving practical advice about the work world. Most have little work experience outside the very narrow confines of psychology and most do not fully understand how to advise clients on how to gain entry into career fields.
The other more narrow but better type of career counselor is someone who decided that this is what they want to do, in part, because they did not have a career otherwise. I think this type is more practical.
But there is a lingering challenge: these types were not that successful in creating their own careers. They became career counselors primarily because they were immersed in figuring out what to do for their own career, couldn’t figure it out, and then decided to help others with career issues. Their hearts are in the right place. But much like money managers who are not wealthy, their stories are a bit problematic.
So, at the very least, we are really good because, unfortunately, the vast majority of people who do this work are not good.
Review our biographies so that you understand the breadth of our work experience and the success in our careers. We are simply different than almost every career counselor you will find in Connecticut.
Should I spend money on career counseling?
Your career takes up an enormous amount of life. You owe it to yourself to ensure that you build your career wisely.
Strangely enough, we are willing to get help from experts in areas that are far less consequential. If you have ever spent money on house cleaners, contrast the enormous significance of your career versus the temporary need for a clean house. Most people feel comfortable investing in having a clean kitchen that will soon be unclean but will not invest in a process that might dramatically change their lives.
Why? Because career counseling is not a known process. It seems complicated and it seems less certain. We totally understand!
Nonetheless, we regret the risks we don’t take far more than risks that do not work out. Contact us now if you want to change your career and, in doing so, better your life.
A Note From Daryl Capuano, founder of Career Counseling Connecticut
Most career counselors are well- meaning people who are trying to help others. But many, perhaps most, are not very good at doing what they profess: helping clients find new careers.
Here’s why: most “career counselors” are therapists who have decided – often with the best of intentions – to counsel clients in relation to the challenges they face at work.
But few are knowledgeable about the work world – in particular, the New World of Work – and thus end up discussing “work issues” that affect the client’s feeling state but not career direction. Sometimes such therapy is valuable. Often such work, however, directs time and energy away from the real issue: “what should I do with my career?”
I am also cautious about all advisors I find on the Internet unless I have read their writing in a book or a blog. You should be as well. I have provided a lot of free career counseling advice on this site so you can gain a sense as to whether we are a match.
I lead with the above commentary because most people who contact Career Counseling Connecticut know of us through their own trusted sources, particularly friends who have worked with us for career coaching.
If you are reading this page, you likely discovered us through an Internet search.
We encourage you to investigate, ask around, and learn whatever you can about the career counselors in our company.
Part of the reason, I focus our career counseling efforts on Connecticut residents stems from the hope that you can ask around about me or the holding company of Career Counseling Connecticut, The Learning Consultants, which is how most of our Connecticut clients know of my reputation.