Business Coaching Connecticut
“I could not have asked for a better guide in starting my business. You saved me thousands of dollars, hours of frustration, and are one of the reasons why I was able to get my dream business off the ground. Thank you!” Lisa R., Old Lyme, Connecticut
You are either a relatively new entrepreneur in Connecticut or someone who is considering the entrepreneurial path. You likely have read many books and articles on the subject. You likely have spoken to professional advisors and friends and relatives who are in the business world.
Most have probably been generally helpful.
Yet, you probably still do not really know what to do to start or build your venture.
General advice is fine. You need to understand the broad strokes of entrepreneurship.
What you really need, however, is specific, action-oriented advice.
In one hour, you will have a step by step plan to build your business to a higher level.
Let me explain the difference. You may have read many articles on the basics of entrepreneurship. You know that you need to navigate various legal, finance, and accounting procedures. You likely have read extensively about marketing, setting up web sites, and pricing. You may have read legal advice about starting businesses in Connecticut. But, the articles provided information applicable to all new businesses.
You are in need of customized, action oriented advice. You want to build a consulting business in Fairfield County But, you do not know how you will get clients. You are starting a Yoga Studio focused on chakra development in New London, CT or you already started a skin care business in East Lyme, CT. But, you are not a business type. Or maybe you started a clothing business in downtown Mystic, CT but now believe that you will need to make most of your profit via Internet sales.
Or maybe you just know that you have a business inside you but you cannot quite bring your idea to fruition.
The point is that those general magazines and books are not particularly helpful in guiding you to build your specific business in your specific location. It would be highly unusual to find such advice tailored to your niche.
The result is that you will learn slowly. And, while we are big believers in hands on learning, the truth is that slow learning in a business often means the end of the business.
Moreover if you are a creative type, you need business training.
Speed matters. Efficiency matters. Knowledge matters.
That is where we can help.
You need someone who is both an effective advisor and someone with hands-on experience as an entrepreneur.
But, there is a problem in finding someone who is both a great teacher/advisor and who is an entrepreneur.
Real entrepreneurs are not in the position to spend time guiding others. They are too busy running their business.
Business educators are helpful academically but unless they have run a business their knowledge about business is theoretical, not practical.
Daryl Capuano is uniquely situated to provide guidance in both areas.
Daryl is an educator by calling and an entrepreneur by necessity. Daryl left the normal path of an Ivy-league educated lawyer to become an education-entrepreneur. Daryl’s educational practice become so large that he grew a company that now serves over a thousand clients each year, has 50 teachers, and offices throughout Connecticut and New York. The company is now the largest private educational consultancy in Connecticut. He is a successful entrepreneur in Connecticut. This is a critical issue as the nuances of navigating Connecticut’s business climate are important for new entrepreneurs in Connecticut.
He has helped dozens of new entrepreneurs build their businesses by providing direct strategic and tactical advice to specific to their clients. You could be the next success story.
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