Mike entered my office as if he was carrying a bag of rocks on his shoulders. Defeated, despondent, and a step away from clinical depression, his mother begged him to see me because his older brother, Matt, had used Career Counseling Connecticut several years ago. Mike resisted. “I know what I want to do. I don’t need career counseling.” Mike’s mom and brother emphasized that I primarily had helped Matt navigate a few thorny business issues he was facing in the current start up he was in and market himself for a new venture that he wanted. “He will teach you how to make your passion become a business.” That apparently was the selling point that got Mike off his couch in Fairfield, CT to meet me in Madison, CT.
Mike is a creative type. I’ll spare the description to save his identity. He had some initial success while in college. But post-college, he was floundering. He had recently invested 4 months creating a project that had fallen flat in the marketplace. I do not know enough about his particular media niche to address his talent but I could quickly see that his marketing tactics, pricing strategy, and web site creation were all deficient. Each was easily remedied. All Mike needed was 1 meeting to get his creative business to gain traction.
Creative types are brilliant in their craft but often lacking in practical know-how. We can help.