You want to help your adult child’s self-esteem – get career help
Just came back from my college reunion… the amount of mental health challenges among young adult children is staggering. I was approached by a couple dozen parents who know what I do. The conversations would start with “my son (more often than daughter) is having trouble getting his career” started… and soon the conversation would […]
Career Counseling Connecticut: Investment Advice For Parents…. Guaranteed To Help Your Retirement-Financial Freedom Goals
A long time ago… actually just 10-20 years ago… it was expected that parents would stop supporting their children in their twenties, usually post college, but regardless, few parents supported their children financially pass 22. Now… It’s not unusual and if needed I would likely be guilty of doing the same for my three children. […]
The Reality of Influencer Aspirations: Challenges and Consequences for Gen-Z
No older person lectures here! I am an outlier among those in my age group. I often defend those who forge career paths outside the box. Indeed I did so in my generation, leaving big firm law for a career as an education consultant. Moreover, there are some who “make it” in the new career […]
Enjoy Life… Find Work That Elevates You
I just celebrated my 30th wedding anniversary. Francie, my wonderful wife, has a full time job as a professor and head of the doctoral program at Southern CT’s Nursing School. Great job. But… she missed being a nurse. So she went back “per diem” as a lactation consultant, where she gets to hold babies, at […]
Approaching 50… time to plan your legacy career
I feel so young that I can’t believe that I’m not! I feel this way because I really like my work. I have many friends my age who are now counting their dollars and days to retirement. In many cases, they have realized that working an unhappy job to save for retirement was – and […]
Do What You “Like Enough” and Make “Enough” Money
“Do what you love and the money will follow.” I know the writer who created the phrase meant well. I also know that she did not mean to be simplistic in this advice. She was not suggesting that everyone who loves to sing makes money doing so. But the phrase seeped into the culture and […]
Graduating college without a job….
Covid changed or at least advanced some attitudes for the better. Many realized that nothing is more important than family. Others realized that suffering over trivialities makes no sense. Mark graduated UCONN in 2020. Tough year to graduate. So I understood why he took a job waiting tables in June of 2020. But I didn’t […]
College to career…. Mental Health Issues and How Career Counseling Connecticut can help your child
Parents of pending college graduates: CONGRATULATIONS! Good news: Your pride is well earned. Many young adults are not finishing college and are struggling mightily. Bad news: You might have expected that your financial obligations to your children are now over. This does not seem to be the case with the majority of parents, some of […]
Feeling Overwhelmed? How Career Counseling Connecticut Helps You Knock Over The Next Career Domino
“I am just too overwhelmed.” Kendra, a twentysomething from West Hartford, Connecticut, noted as she described her simultaneous desire to leave her job and her inability to do so. Small changes are tough. Big changes are paralyzing. Career change is huge. When Career Counseling Connecticut’s clients work with us, they almost always say: “I should […]
A Career With Purpose
I met an old friend recently. We had practiced law together. 25 years ago. I have not seen him more than a couple of times since. So he did not even know that the primary practice of my work involved career counseling. He had assumed that my entire work was running The Learning Consultants My […]