Career Counseling Connecticut: Helping To Find Meaning In Life

Many in our society have become nihilists, no more so than among young men. With faith in nothing and no coherent philosophy of life, they form online warrior communities. They lash out against institutions, discuss conspiracy theories as if fact, and form a haphazard amalgam of philosophies that are more anarchist than distinctly right/left-wing. The […]

2025: Time to Change Your Job or Career Path

With hope, most of Career Counseling Connecticut’s readers are starting to enjoy a long holiday. Some of my Christmas cards are from past clients who came to Career Counseling Connecticut feeling miserable about their careers and now feel good-great. After reading this article, Google “Sunday anxiety” and you may be surprised by the sheer volume […]

AI is coming: How The Revolution Will Affect Your Children

AI is coming…! This is no hype.  I’m not sure how I feel about its implications.  But I have always embraced new technology for its (1) potential to do good and (2) its inevitability. Regarding the former, I know….. Everyone who has seen countless sci-fi. movies regarding the perils of AI “come alive” will point […]

Career Counseling Connecticut: Immersion in Artificial Intelligence

AI is coming…! This is no hype.  I’m not sure how I feel about its implications.  But I have always embraced new technology for its (1) potential to do good and (2) its inevitability. Regarding the former, I know….. Everyone who has seen countless sci-fi. movies regarding the perils of AI “come alive” will point […]

The Young Bros Not Going To College… Soon Learn….

The work world is not kind to 18-22 year olds. Unless they have a distinct plan. Which most don’t. Despite my work, I have never been a college-only advocate. Years before it became fashionable to suggest the trades or the military or other alternatives to college, I would suggest these paths to parents who found […]

The Perfectionist and the Job Search

Perfectionism can be both a gift and a burden. While the drive to excel often pushes people to achieve, it can also paralyze them, leading to procrastination, self-doubt, and fear of failure. For one young woman I worked with, this inner struggle made every step of her academic and professional journey more challenging than it […]

The Comeback: Help Your Young Adult Finish College and Enter the Workforce

A Rocky Start in High School I first met Max when he was in high school in Old Lyme, Connecticut. A bright student with potential, Max’s main obstacle was his lack of discipline. Poor study habits and a general disinterest in structured learning left him floundering academically. Recognizing his need for support, Max’s parents enrolled […]

Long term career mentorship starts early

A big box arrived.  It was not from Amazon but instead was perfectly gift-wrapped with a literal bow on top.  The note read: “Lifetime Achievement Award.”  The box was filled with goodies that only someone who knew my idiosyncratic preferences would know. It was from Liz’s kind parents. I feel young. Really young.  But when […]