Career Program

Career Counseling Connecticut’s Career Pilot Program: CareerPilot Program Description: The CareerPilot program is a systematic and comprehensive approach to career planning and development, designed specifically for young adults. It’s a five-step program aimed to empower you with a deep self-understanding and clear strategic goals, enabling you to navigate your career path with confidence and precision. […]

College Graduation Gift: Career Counseling

“I didn’t really look for a job during senior year.” Trey said. Only a short while ago – maybe 10 years – this would have a crazy statement. Now, I’m not surprised. I see some advantages to the hands-off approach that many parents take to their children’s job search. One less area of battle.  I […]

The best mental health help for your young adult child: Career Counseling

As college graduation approaches in May, nervous parents have called about their children not being employed. Most parents – I suppose the moms more than the dads – focused far more on the potential mental health implications of post-graduation unemployment rather than the financial implications. This is a historical anomaly.   I am not even referring […]

Career Guidance 2024: 3 New Ways of Understanding the New World of Work

If there is one area that has separated Career Counseling Connecticut from other counselors, it has been our focus on the evolving nature of work. Most career counselors – like most anyone over 40 – are stuck in paradigms ingrained from the 1990s/2000s. Historically, such a short time frame to the present would not cause […]

The Wild West of Career Building: Young adults need direction

“There are specialists and there are everyone else.” Most are “everyone else”. Graduating college with a business degree – unless it is accounting or some other technical aspect within business”,  most everything within liberal arts and many other degrees requires a deeper understanding of how to navigate careers than ever before. This is not bad […]

The time is NOW!!!

We were conditioned through K-12 (and college) to have built in time for a change. Every September, relatively big changes came in relation to your “work world”.  New teachers/new classes and then massive changes came when switching schools and leaving to college. Change does not happen like that in the real world. There is a […]

Unhappy at work…. soon enough you will be unsuccessful also

I remember when I was a summer associate at a big Washington law firm.  I walked into the law library.  One of the partners was reading a journal of recent legal decisions.  He wasn’t merely reading the headlines.  He was actually reading the entire 50 plus pages of dense court decisions.  As he sat in […]