A recent college graduate… without a job….we can help

When I started Career Counseling Connecticut in the 2000s, almost every college grad had a job immediately after college. Even pre-pandemic, there was a shift.  I’m not sure if the shift primarily stemmed from the decline of good entry-level career-building jobs or from young adults choosing to be more careful at the start of their […]

Labor Day 2023: Time to reflect on career

Something is different about work.  I can see it in my immersion on career-work news.  I can see and hear it with our clients from Career Counseling Connecticut. I can even feel it with my own work as I reflect on my career. Regarding our careers, “we” want something better.   If you have time this […]

New Program: Career Pilot

CareerPilot Program Description: The CareerPilot program is a systematic and comprehensive approach to career planning and development, designed specifically for young adults. It’s a five-step program aimed to empower you with a deep self-understanding and clear strategic goals, enabling you to navigate your career path with confidence and precision. Step 1: Pre-Meeting Work – Comprehensive […]

The long summer… post college graduation without a job

“If one person asks what am I doing now….” So said Kyle a few summers ago, pre-pandemic, after graduating college without a job lined up. This once somewhat infrequent occurrence has become more commonplace these days.  This is not a good thing. Anxiety and depression are skyrocketing among young adults.  It seems very clear to […]

Careers and the mental health of young adults

In running Career Counseling Connecticut through the years, I have seen a gradual and then rapid increase in mental health issues among young adults.  The usual suspects to blame: social media, the Pandemic, increased polarization, worries about the future of the world and so forth are all macro facts that challenge all young people. Why […]

College Graduation 2023: Enjoy summer but…. create your plan… now

The jobs-career world has shifted.  I don’t think there is a stigma or at least much less of one for the college graduate who does not have a job. That’s a good thing. But lower societal pressure does not mean that not having a job is a good thing. Or I should say not having […]

Graduating and…. directionless?

“I like being outdoors and I like animals.”  Grace said.  She was a sweet natured young lady from Guilford, CT. But “I’m not interested in anything related to becoming a vet or a vet tech.” Bryn continued and then systematically ruled out working for any businesses focused on pet-owners, biological research related to animals, and […]

Career Counseling Connecticut: For College Students

“Kyle doesn’t know how to search for a job.” “Grace needs help with her resume.” “Tommy has never really interviewed.” “Christine needs to get an internship.” “Can you help Mandy with networking?” Career Counseling Connecticut has increasingly worked with college students who have discovered that job searching is not taught in either high school or […]