“If one person asks what am I doing now….”

So said Kyle a few summers ago, pre-pandemic, after graduating college without a job lined up.

This once somewhat infrequent occurrence has become more commonplace these days.  This is not a good thing.

Anxiety and depression are skyrocketing among young adults.  It seems very clear to me through my work at Career Counseling Connecticut that the lack of career direction is among the causes.

The good parenting playbook has delightfully made parents less ogre like in pressing young adults about their work.  But…. left to their own devices, most young adults, particularly young men, often will avoid doing the unenjoyable.  Applying for jobs is highly unenjoyable.

This leads to the summer post college graduation and the seemingly innocent question asked by…. everyone… “what are you doing now?”

Not having an answer is deflating.

We can help.