The jobs-career world has shifted.  I don’t think there is a stigma or at least much less of one for the college graduate who does not have a job.

That’s a good thing.

But lower societal pressure does not mean that not having a job is a good thing.

Or I should say not having a plan or a direction for your career is not a good thing.

There are some who are taking some time off before embarking on a distinct career path of choice.  This seems sensible.

When I work with those who are certain they are heading to law school or medical school or they are fortunate enough to have an employer who will let them start in the fall or even the winter following graduation, then taking time to travel or just recharge seems brilliant.

But for those who have graduated college and do not have such a plan, life will get challenging soon.  And then it will only get more challenging.

Let me explain Career Counseling Connecticut’s mission in this context.

Work takes up a lot of life.  Regardless of any arguments related to our over-identification related to career or any other healthy view of why work/career should not be emphasized as much as it was for anyone born before 2000, time at work is still a big chunk of life.  Career Counseling Connecticut wants to ensure that its clients are happy (and successful).

Not having a job or career plan will lead to both psychological and practical problems as time passes.

If you or if your adult-child could benefit from help post college graduateion, contact Career Counseling Connecticut.