“I wake up on edge… every day.” Samantha said.  As she continued, I could hear the emotion in her voice.  She had called Career Counseling Connecticut after she “hit her limit.”

Samantha had the proverbial “good job”. She works for a large corporation in Fairfield County, Connecticut.  But she said she’s been working really hard for far too long.  Like others, the pandemic had one positive effect: she had reassessed her life and realized that spending 50 plus hours a week feeling anxious while at work and another chunk of hours outside of work but feeling anxious about work was no way to live.

Uncertainty about what she would do instead of her “good job” has been what’s stopped her forward progress.

Since running Career Counseling Connecticut for the last 15 years, I’ve realized that many of our new clients are so immersed in their specific worlds that they don’t realize how many other possibilities exist.  Given Samantha’s background, it was quite easy to suggest several different possibilities and, even better, based on her personality profiling tests and career narrative that we have clients complete – before meeting us – there were a few others that while requiring some reinvention really excited her.

When she left our meeting, she noted: “I’ve been weepy… as you noticed… for many weeks while thinking about my work.  Now I’m about to cry tears of joy.”