“It’s not a bad job. It’s actually manageable.  I have a good work life balance, unlike most of my friends.  My boss is not a tyrant.  The people and the company have a cooperative spirit.  It’s a nice place.  I feel ungrateful complaining.” Todd wrote as he filled out his pre-meeting questionnaire before meeting with Career Counseling Connecticut.  “I just thought that I would do so much more with my life.”

Todd was in his late-thirties and like a lot our career counseling clients, he saw a milestone birthday approaching and was reassessing his life.  Unlike many of our career counseling clients who come to us when they are unhappy, Todd had the foresight to meet with us before he was miserable.  He wanted to affirmatively take control of his career, even though nothing was ostensibly wrong.

We met when Todd was 38 (I think!).  We had a great first meeting and stayed in touch informally with e-mails as Todd was evaluating the themes we discussed along with the benefits and challenges that would come from a suggested career switch.

40 did seem to have some magic as Todd came back with vigorous energy to change.

Now at 42, Todd has undergone a happy career transformation.  His recent e-mail was effusive with appreciation and I loved his last line: I feel like I’m reaching my potential.

That’s been our company mission since Day 1.