“I should have come here years ago.” Taylor said as she explained her work drudgery. Much like many of Career Counseling Connecticut’s clients, Taylor, manager in a small business in the Hartford area, had found her job through circumstance – her friend’s Uncle was the owner – and had stayed because the job “wasn’t that bad.” I always emphasize that there is a balance between having gratitude for any work and seeking the make the most of one’s life. Sometimes you have to do work that doesn’t speak to your soul. But if you are able – and most anyone in Connecticut is – you should also strive to have a career that maximizes your potential.
Taylor had heard of the concept “opportunity cost” before in a college economics course. But she had not applied the concept to herself. It may be the single most important concept that economics can teach. Whatever you are doing right now for your career is preventing you from doing something else that is better.
The challenge facing many of my clients is that they drift from year to year losing more time in opportunity cost. Many seem to think that something will happen that will give them a better career path. It doesn’t. You – and only you – have to take control of your career path.
Meeting with an outside, objective, career counseling professional is often the first tangible step that people take to change their lives. Something about an outside force makes the process real and, of course, when good advice is provided the career seeker is also given a tangible suggestion that can lead to further career happiness.
Whatever you do, DO something. No more waiting. No more opportunity cost.