My initial work in the education space was the creation of The Learning Consultants, Connecticut’s largest private education consulting firm.  Our work has focused on helping parents help their children succeed academically.  From my mission oriented perspective, this area is where parents had their biggest challenge and where I could help the most.

In the last few years,  my specific focus is on career counseling because I believe it is the biggest area where I can positively impact others.

Parents spend an enormous amount of time, money, and energy ensuring that their children get into the right college. This makes sense.  College is 4 years of life.  And, it is a major turning point in life.

Most parents spend a minimal amount time, money, and energy ensuring that their children get into the right career.  This makes no sense.  Careers are 40-50 (maybe even 60 for this generation) years.  And, careers aren’t just turning points in life but life itself.

My not so subtle message to parents: invest in career development for your children.  Here, my self-absorbed interests coincide with my genuine belief as to what will serve them best.