The New World of Work encourages home offices. Why our home offices so amazing?

(1) Family time. I realize that some of you might be concerned about separating your family and your work life. You might worry about the children running around, the dog barking, and endless distractions within you home. Those are practical problems that you can solve. I assure you that whatever compromises you need to make  will be worth the extra time that you can spend with your family because of not commuting.  In addition, you will spend your break times with them rather than with people in line at Starbucks.

(2) Your health. It is far easier to control the food that you eat while at home than while at work. Even the most disciplined find it tough to brown bag lunch and snacks 5 days a week. Most people feel that they need to go out to lunch to maintain their psychological health at work. This almost always comes at a cost of their physical health. In addition, it is far easier to exercise when you have a home office.  The whole process of leaving your office to go to the gym and then heading back to the office usually adds a wasteful twenty minutes.  Trust me.  I timed the process many times! 

(3) Your money. Commuting costs money. Gas and car expenses. But, working in an office setting does as well due to dry cleaning, eating out for lunch, and even getting hit up for every office birthday and fundraiser.

Your work world and your career can transform if you can figure out how to create a career with a home office.