Career Counseling Connecticut has an explicit mission: help our clients find careers that are both “happy” and “successful”.

We define happy in simple ways: “you enjoy your work” to more complicated ways “you find meaning and purpose in your work” to even more complicated ways “you find Eudaimonia” in your work (see Aristotle!)

If you are not happy with your career, then you likely will not have a fully happy life. You might have a delightful family, passionate hobbies, and perhaps even financial abundance but if you are spending 40-60 hours a week doing something that you don’t enjoy and another chunk of time outside of work thinking about the work that you don’t enjoy, then… that’s a lot of time to be unhappy!

As for success, you do need to pay those bills. But money is not the only or perhaps even the primary measure of success. Mastery of craft and other measurements also are part of the “success” package.

If you are ambivalent about heading back to the office – heading back to your career – time to change. We can help.