So said a recent career counseling client.  Given my expertise in the world of work and a decade of career coaching, I am certain that I provide expert career guidance.  But I also know that just being a career coach provides an enormous advantage over someone who has been trying to figure out their career on their own.

Our emotionality gets in the way when we are sorting out thorny problems.  I’m sure you have all experienced giving advice to a friend who was confused about a relationship issue.  The friend may have expressed “I have no idea what to do” and presumably had thought about the issue for some time before asking your advice.  You then listened and through interacting with the friend for half-hour to an hour you collectively figured it out.

So it is with career coaching. Even the barely competent career coaches have an advantage over the individual.  The mere give and take with someone will help you figure out a career problem.  As for working with Career Counseling Connecticut, you will certainly get far more than a sounding board.  You will get expert career coaching that will help you solve your career dilemma in the most efficient manner possible.

Your time is your life so that efficiency matters.