The start of the school year is so ingrained in most of us that September really feels like the new year.  Connecticut school age students are forced to change.  They must advance a grade and start anew.  Connecticut workers who are stuck in a career are not forced to change (except due to layoffs).  They do not necessarily advance or start anew. This is a big career problem.

From age 5 to at least age 22, change was thrust upon us every September.  We became accustomed to outside structures forcing us to adapt and grow.  I’ve had many a career counseling meeting with clients who seem to think that change will appear.  I don’t fully blame them – particularly those in their twenties – because we were all habituated by 17 or so years of big changes each September. 

That’s not how career change works.  You are the only force that will change your career – at least in a positive way.  Compelled career change is most always a bad thing. Company closing.  Department shut down.  Other form of layoffs.

Positive career change comes from within.  You decide that you are going to change careers.  You decide on the process for how to make the change.  You do the work to change.  You change. 

This September, it is time for you to take control.