Mental Health is Tied To Career Health: Career Counseling Connecticut Can Help
Pamela felt desperate. “I’m 28. When will I figure out what I want to do?” She had bounced from job to job while waitressing in New Haven, CT to pay the bills. “I don’t want to feel this way for the rest of my life.” As someone a bit older than 28… .:) I […]
Want better mental health? Get a better job.
We are facing an epidemic well beyond Covid. Mental health issues have been rising dramatically well before the pandemic. The last year and a half has accelerated mental health decline but “we” – young people in particular – were becoming less mentally healthy for the last couple of decades. There are many factors underlying this […]
Career Health = Mental Health
Those who have taken any first year psychology class are well aware of Maslov’s Hierarchy of Needs. The bottom levels relate to survival/physical/basic material needs. Maslov was wise enough to note that we are all not wired to be Buddhist ascetics or extreme minimalists. We need food/shelter and some degree of whatever material goods are […]