So many paradigms of change have occurred due to Covid. Perhaps the most unexpected relates to work: many Americans have decided to resign/quit/only go back if remote. This surprised much of corporate America. This did not surprise me.

I’ve been running Career Counseling Connecticut for over a decade. Granted that those who seek career advice are a distinct group of those who are not happy in their career or have not found their career path.

Still, I knew with certainty that once the majority worked at home, there would be a revolt.

I read enough about anthropology, philosophy, and history to bore anyone. I’ll be brief: civilization started approximately 6000 years ago, making a daily commute away from their home and family has only existed for about 100 years. Indeed, even during the last 100 years, the percentage of people who have daily commutes of any length has been small. We were not meant to have split lives.

I knew that when people realized there was a better way to have work-life balance that most would not want to return to commuting for an hour, having to put in face time, deal with micro-managing boss, or all the other inconveniences of modern office life.

For years – pre-Covid – Career Counseling Connecticut has helped career seekers attain happier work. We can help you now.