Post-pandemic quitting jobs and careers has become all the rage. YOLO! Job openings! Companies cannot find enough workers! So the headlines read. All true.

Why then is it so difficult for Connecticut job seekers to find good jobs?

Most people do not quit “good” jobs. So while there are exceptions, the majority of those quitting their jobs do not have “good jobs” – certainly by the standards of the persons quitting – but likely by general standards as well Those minimum wage jobs, those shift work jobs, those commission based jobs and so forth are not really good jobs.

As for job openings and difficulty finding people to fill jobs, many of the job openings are for those aforementioned jobs.

The happiest career seekers who come through the offices of Career Counseling Connecticut (or really through Zoom) create a plan. That takes time, not so much for the planning, but for getting the brain ready to act on the plan.

This summer is great time to do so.