If you are on Career Counseling Connecticut’s website, you are in the process of “seeking.” That means that, unlike most, you are not settling for whatever job or career path you are currently in. That means you are on the hero’s journey.

What’s the hero’s journey? A quest to better oneself and the world. Review mythology. The hero’s story stems from a person facing a challenge. Unlike most in the crowd, the hero chooses to battle the challenge.

In the current world of work -well before the pandemic- the vast majority of workers have settled into a career or job challenge that causes either minor or major unhappiness.

Apparently, you are a career seeker who will not lead a life of quiet desperation, as Thoreau noted about most long ago.

Our role: we are the guides. In most hero stories, the hero finds a guide who will lead him/her on the quest.

You are the hero Let us be your guide.