Career Counseling Connecticut
“I just need you to do something….”

If you are unhappy in your job, then you likely spend a lot of time in your head talking to yourself about your unhappiness.   That’s a challenge.  As social beings, we need to connect with one another, particularly when going through a problem.

If you are fortunate enough to have a real friend at work (“real” – defined as someone that you can discuss your career issues to without worry), then you are lucky to have at least one person who understands your unique work place.  Otherwise, your complaints about your annoying boss or the TPS reports (Office Space), require a great deal of explanation to your friends.

Moreover, when you are with your friends, you likely want to escape thoughts about work and might dismissively say “my job sucks” or, even worse give the misleading impression that all is fine: “my job is ok”.  Lack of discussion about a matter that affects your emotional well being is unhealthy. Avoidance does not lead to forward movement.

Countless career counseling clients have emerged from our initial meetings commenting about the cathartic effect of our discussions.  “I just needed someone to talk with about my job…”, “No one really understands what’s been going on in my head.”  “I felt so alone”.   Now I know I can move forward.