Are you dreading going back to the office? How old are you? Unless you are pushing 60 and in the position to retire in a few years, then that’s no way to live.

I know from working with Career Counseling Connecticut’s clients and I know from my own experience that careers can change… massively… and that change can make all the difference in career (and life) happiness.

Perhaps my bleakest memory from detesting the thought of heading back to the office was sometime on July 17, 1999. I should have been enjoying my weekend but thoughts of heading back into the office on Monday kept intruding. Why that precise date? JFK Jr.’s plane crash occurred the night before and it was now being reported on the morning news. In an embarrassing level of self-absorption, I recall trying to bolster myself with gratitude that I was simply living. While expressing gratitude over things we normally take for granted is a wonderful practice, here it was more revealing of my dismal mental state than any exalted spiritual mindset.

Keep in my that I was an attorney and that this “identity” as well as the years it took to become a lawyer made change really hard for me. But that change made all the difference in my work and life happiness.

Increasingly, I have received thank you notes from clients that I have not seen in years. “We met several years ago….I was in an unhappy career. now I’m thriving in my happy career…”

Let’s make you another career transition success story.