Do you know if you interview well?
Years ago, one of our first career counseling clients met with us. He had everything on paper. He attended Yale University. His grades were excellent. He majored in economics. He had plenty of interviews. This was during boom times on Wall Street. So, he expected to waltz into a high paying job. But, other than […]
Learn how to interview
One of my favorite Career Counseling Connecticut success stories involved a student I knew from years past. I run The Learning Consultants and knew her from her days as an SAT student. “Meghan” had a bubbly, engaging personality from what I remembered. Now, she was 23 years old and having no luck getting a job […]
Interview Prep
“I think I blew the interview.” Emily said. “I didn’t really know what to say when she asked me about different situations.” Emily had been given behavioral interview questions. She had been ready for the standard questions regarding her background and her interests. But when she was asked to give examples of “when you were […]