Your career is a large part of your life.

This is a true story with all identifying details changed so perhaps not entirely “true.

Rich had a highly promising career in his twenties and in his thirties.  The 1990s went wonderfully well for him as did the 2000s.   His personal life was also great.  A wonderful wife and two great kids.  But the Great Recession hit his industry hard.   He did not try to shift fields. Metaphorically, it would be like a typewriter salesman trying to “power through” down times for the typewriter field.  He was unwilling to give in to the massive disruption that was facing his career path.

Rich’s wife new people who had worked with Career Counseling Connecticut.  She urged him to see us.   Rich – not a horrible guy but quite arrogant by all accounts – pressed on thinking he knew best how to manage his career despite his wife’s encouragement to look for a career change and get career counseling help.

Several increasingly bad jobs later, Rich’s unhappiness grew as did his interest in alcohol and gambling.

Flash forward to the present, Rich is broke, jobless, divorced, depressed, and living with his parents.  Crazy as it sounds, it is likely that none of the above would have occurred had Rich taken control of his career.

Career happiness equals life happiness.  Unfortunately, the opposite is often equally true.  Get career guidance now.