“Everyone has a number”, meaning the amount of money in the bank needed to quit or retire. So said a friend of mine in the financial industry.
For those who have been battling through tough corporate or other purely practical jobs, the “number” is part of their escape route from a job they don’t like. Success would be getting to that number as soon as possible so they can retire or do something else.
But, for those who are happy in their work, the “number” is rarely considered, except perhaps as part of sensible retirement planning. I have not met a single person who loved their work that ever talked about their “number” in terms of an escape from work. Their financial success includes paying their bills, funding college for their children, and saving enough for the inevitability of retirement. But, they loved their work – why would they be plotting to leave early?
If you are under 40 and already are thinking about your number, then time to switch careers. Now.
You have a lot of life ahead of you.