Should I tell mid-career professionals the truth and risk causing them stress? The people-pleaser in me suffers. My career mission is to help others. This involves guiding clients to happier and more successful careers. Sometimes this involves speaking hard truths. But the “counselor” in me wants to alleviate the stress of my clients, not increase worry.

So my dilemma occurs at least once a week. A career seeker enters the offices of Career Counseling Connecticut and notes his/her reluctance to change their career path, despite unhappiness in the path. For some – those with career paths that will not be imminently affected by artificial intelligence, automation, globalization etc. the decision has some practical difficulties. For others – the soon to be “typists” of this generation – the decision should be easy: your career will vanish soon.

Who is in this position? If you work for any mid-large company and do work that involves “processing”, then an algorithm can be created that can do most of your job. Or cheaper labor can do outside the United States. Or through an outside vendor who specializes in doing the work but does so without benefits and at a fraction of the cost.

Career planning or career vanishing.