BS Work, BS Job….In 2022, leave if you have a BS Career

I curse in my head but rarely in writing. So I feel a bit odd writing about BS.  But there is a a fair amount of academic attention given to what Dave Graeber labeled BS Jobs in a famous essay the made the rounds for all intellectuals studying work. I listen to my clients at […]

Career Search During The Pandemic

This has certainly been a fascinating year for Career Counseling Connecticut. Yes, every business has been affected in different ways by the pandemic, most bad but some good and I suppose we’ve been very fortunate to be in the latter category. It turns out that the pandemic did have some benefits. People had greater time […]

Want better mental health? Get a better job.

We are facing an epidemic well beyond Covid. Mental health issues have been rising dramatically well before the pandemic. The last year and a half has accelerated mental health decline but “we” – young people in particular – were becoming less mentally healthy for the last couple of decades. There are many factors underlying this […]

Mental health and the post-pandemic career/job search

Career Counseling Connecticut has served our career seeking clients in the very practical endeavor of finding careers/jobs that make our clients happy and successful. Given my deep immersion in psychology/philosophy, it’s not surprising that some part of my practice has also been led to clients noting unexpected benefits: “I’ve been in my head so long. […]

Interview Prep

“I think I blew the interview.” Emily said. “I didn’t really know what to say when she asked me about different situations.” Emily had been given behavioral interview questions. She had been ready for the standard questions regarding her background and her interests. But when she was asked to give examples of “when you were […]

College grads seeking a job in a post-Covid world

Those who graduated college in 2020 had it the worst. My son was among those graduates. While fortunately things turned out well for him… eventually…he struggled for several months and, my wife and I struggled knowing that there was not much we could do to help. And, yes, even as a professional career counselor running […]

Help your college graduate child

I wrote my last book before the pandemic. It focused upon how parents can help their twentysomething children with their careers. It was a mission centered book. I want to help my fellow parents. I have three children (23, 20 and 17). I am both highly concerned about the world of work that they are […]

Take career risks… usually

The fear of losing is greater than the excitement of possibly winning. Numerous studies have demonstrated this point as many people would worry more about losing $100 than gaining as much as $200 with the same odds. It’s not logical. But it’s the way that our security bias is wired. That fear helps prevent most […]

Career Change: Covid-19 May Create The “Right” Time

I was reviewing some career counseling cases from a few years back and came across this one: “I always thought it was not the right time. When 40 approached, I realized that there will never be the right time.” Melanie, a mid-level manager at a bank in Shoreline, Connecticut said.As Melanie told her tale, I […]

Coronavirus Age Discrimination Layoffs

I practiced employment law when I was in the private sector. “Anyone over 50 is in danger of getting laid off because they cost too much”, the lead employment lawyer said at one of our meetings. The other experienced lawyers agreed. “So we need to make sure our clients can demonstrate that they had legitimate […]