Take career risks… usually
The fear of losing is greater than the excitement of possibly winning. Numerous studies have demonstrated this point as many people would worry more about losing $100 than gaining as much as $200 with the same odds. It’s not logical. But it’s the way that our security bias is wired. That fear helps prevent most […]
Coronavirus Age Discrimination Layoffs
I practiced employment law when I was in the private sector. “Anyone over 50 is in danger of getting laid off because they cost too much”, the lead employment lawyer said at one of our meetings. The other experienced lawyers agreed. “So we need to make sure our clients can demonstrate that they had legitimate […]
Invest in your career
Career Counseling Connecticut was started with a distinct mission: help people find work that makes them feel happy and successful. I started the company prior to The Great Recession of 2008. During the relatively good economic times, I saw that many of my young clients from The Learning Consultants, the parent company of Career Counseling […]
Career Planning for Twentysomethings
My recent book, The Parents’ Guide to Career Planning for Your Twentysomething, was published before the Covid-19 crisis hit. My advice in the book remains the same. But I will add one more item: The crisis gives Twentysomethings a ready-built explanation to shift their job-career. Of course, I’m only addressing those who feel that they […]
4 ingredients for a happy career
The mission of Career Counseling Connecticut has been to help our clients become happy and successful in their careers. Having worked with thousands of career coaching clients over the years, I have observed dozens of different ways that our clients have found happier careers. For simplicity’s sake, I will boil down to 4. The happiness […]
Coronavirus and Your Career
If you feel delighted that you don’t “have to go” to work, then you should use this time to plan your career change. Let me explain. If the Coronavirus hit when I was a private firm attorney, I would have been overjoyed that I did not have to (1) deal with the micro-managing, overly critical […]
Now is the time to invest in your career development
The most repeated phrase from Career Counseling Connecticut’s clients is some variation of “I should have come here a long time ago.” Certainly, this happens with most of our clients over 40, who have stuck out an unhappy job/career way too long. But the same feeling has become increasingly common among younger clients, particularly those […]
Coronavirus and Your Career
What thoughts have you had in relation to your job as the news/impact of coronavirus hit Connecticut? Security? If your job is on such a precipice that you could lose it based on what we hope is a temporary crisis, then you should use some portion of the next few weeks figuring out how to […]
Career JOY
Let me start by distinguishing “happiness” versus “joyfulness”. Both are wonderful but happy-sad are part of the same continuum and both are viewed as transient: happy in one moment, sad in the next. The ups and downs of external events, such as a victory at work (promotion) followed by a defeat at work (bad review) […]
Are you a disengaged zombie at work?
I came across that term while reading Strech by Karie Willyerd and Barbara Mistick. Very good book. In relation to “disengaged zombies”, Gallup poll has cited the following: 30% of workers are engaged (and presumably happy) 20% are utterly miserable and another 50% are just going through the motions and classified as disengaged, I suppose […]